1922 SW 20TH AVE ~ CAPE CORAL, FL 33991

OFFICE: (239) 283-9501 ~ FAX: (239) 283-9502  



Annual Report

November 12, 2023
Dear Saint Katharine Drexel Parishioners:

Part of being good stewards is accountability. That is, stewards report honestly how they have been overseeing what was entrusted to them. Therefore, with the assistance of the Parish Finance Council, I present the Annual Financial Report to the parish for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2022 and ending June 30, 2023. By the grace of God and with your generous financial support we have successfully completed this fiscal year.

The Finance Council reviews the parish finances quarterly and we have filed reports with the Diocese of Venice for SKD parish, on time, as required. It is especially important to note the following: Church income (revenue) for the fiscal year totaled $1,408,273.00 which was an increase of $110,565.00 compared to last year. Expenses for the fiscal year totaled $1,626,509.00, an increase of $125,047.00. We experienced higher expenses due to an increase in parish insurance, utilities, repairs, and maintenance cost to campus buildings. Please review the financial charts provided in this report.

SKD parish relies on every family, both year-around and seasonal, for your generous contributions to support not only SKD parish but also the Catholic Faith Appeal. For those families who have already contributed to the Catholic Faith Appeal, I thank you. Your generosity is very much appreciated.

As a parish, we have not yet met the assessment goal of $221,000.00 for the Catholic Faith Appeal. To date, the parish has collected only $192,279.15 and pledges to date of $211,350.03. We are close, but we are short of the goal by $28,720.85. Did you know: Of the 4,344 registered families only 346 families contributed to the Catholic Faith Appeal. For those who have not yet contributed, please consider making a sacrificial gift. Let the words of Saint Paul speak to you as they speak to me, “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7). All gifts are appreciated.

Finally, special recognition needs to be given to Finance Council members for their dedication to SKD parish. Steve Ketteler (Chairperson), Peter Barrett, Barbara Borders, William Carty, Debbie Eppinger, Tom Feig, Kathleen Houghton, Mark Pennington, and Steve Shaw. These people do so much work “crunching the numbers” and ensuring that the parish remains financially solvent. Should you have any questions about this report, or the parish finances in general, please do not hesitate to contact me or any of the Finance Council members.

We have so much to be grateful for! Thank you for your generosity, your participation in the parish family, and most importantly, your prayers. Your gifts enable us to continue the good work for the kingdom of God. May his glory and choicest blessings be upon you.

United in the holy Eucharist,
- Father Ricky




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Monday – Thursday:
8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Friday: 8:30 am - 12:00 pm
Ph# (239) 283-9501
Fax# (239) 283-9502
Email: office@drexelcc.org
CCD, OCIA, Confirmation,
VBS & Bible Study)
(Office closed on Fridays)
Ph# (239) 283-0525
Email: rose@drexelcc.org