1922 SW 20TH AVE ~ CAPE CORAL, FL 33991

OFFICE: (239) 283-9501 ~ FAX: (239) 283-9502  



Prayer/Spiritual Ministries

Holy Spirit Prayer Group


Join us for the next monthly Holy Spirit Prayer Group Gathering

  • Grow and deepen your relationship with Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit
  • Experience the presence of the Holy Spirit through prayer, praise, and worship.
  • Pray and Praise the Lord through music
  • Reflect and meditate on Scripture
  • Learn about and operate in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit

What is a Holy Spirit Prayer Meeting?

The Holy Spirit Prayer Meeting is a monthly gathering to express praise, thanks, honor, and love to Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. It’s a time to gather together in community to give praise to God as the Holy Spirit prompts us, moves in us, and moves through us.

What is the Purpose of a Holy Spirit Prayer Meeting?

The Holy Spirit Prayer Meeting has three purposes. First, to praise, worship, honor, and give thanks to God, second to deepen one’s faith and prayer life, and third to build up the Body of Christ through fellowship with one another.

What is the Format of a Holy Spirit Prayer Meeting?

The Holy Spirit Prayer Meeting begins with a gathering song, followed by an opening prayer and a time of extended praise and worship. There is a short teaching, as well as gifts of the Holy Spirit such as words of wisdom, knowledge, expressions of faith, prophecy, discernment of spirits, tongues, (see 1 Cor. 12, 13-14 & 1 Cor. 14:1), interpretation of tongues, healing, and miracles (see Acts 2:4). There is also time set aside for individual prayer and fellowship at the end of the prayer meeting.

All are Welcome! Please join us

Parish Prayer Network

This group provides intercessory prayer for the parish community. Members dedicate their prayer time for petitions and requests that have been added to the Prayer Network. 

Third Weekend of the Month After All Masses
Prayer Team Members will be available in the front of the Church after all the Masses, the weekend of October 16/17, 2021, to pray with you for your needs and those of your family and friends.

God’s grace continues to touch and heal us in powerful ways, after we have received Jesus. The close of Holy Mass is the perfect time to remain with Jesus a bit longer to pray for His healing and His help in any area of your life or the lives of those you know and love. Jesus asked Bartimaeus “What do you want me to do for you?” and he asks you the same thing. Whatever your needs, come forward to one of the prayer teams stationed in the front of the Church and present your needs to Jesus.

Secular Franciscan Order

The Secular Franciscan Order was founded by St. Francis of Assisi and approved by the Holy Father with a written rule around 1221. For nearly eight centuries this gathering of faithful has been striving to live the Gospel life in the world. We are laypersons, religious and priests called to be in life-giving union with each other, each in their own special way, following Christ in the footsteps of St. Francis, continually working in the life and mission of the Church. St. Maximillian Kolbe Secular Franciscan Fraternity meets in the Faith Formation building on the second Saturday of each month from 9:30 am to noon. Guests are always welcome to join us. 

Vocation Ministry

The Parish Vocation Team is a lay team that is dedicated to raising awareness for vocations to the priesthood and religious life, promoting prayer for vocations, and inviting young people to consider the call God has for them. 



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Monday – Friday:
8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Offices Closed for Lunch:
           1:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Ph# (239) 283-9501
Fax# (239) 283-9502
Email: office@drexelcc.org
CCD, OCIA, Confirmation,
VBS & Bible Study)
(Office closed on Fridays)
Ph# (239) 283-0525
Email: rose@drexelcc.org