Altar Servers
The Altar Servers are very important in the liturgy. During the Mass they assist the celebrant and help prepare the altar as well as add to the solemnity of the liturgy. This ministry is open to boys and girls who have made their First Communion.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (Liturgical Ministry)
An Extraordinary Minister assists the celebrant in the distribution of Communion to the faithful at the liturgy. Extraordinary Eucharistic ministers often transfer the Eucharist from tabernacle to altar. It is a fulfilling ministry for parishioners who wish to serve their community. It makes few demands on your time beyond a scheduled attendance at Mass and several training sessions per year.
Handbook for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion 2025
This ministry is a wonderful way to participate and to get to know the parishioners at the Mass that you attend. Greeters greet parishioners as they come in, help with seating, collections, and special needs, coordinate the congregation during Communion, distribute bulletins when parishioners leave, and help at the Information Counter in the lobby of the church.
Ministers of Hospitality Handbook
A lector proclaims the Word of God during the liturgy and leads the General Intercessions as well as other prayers or litanies as the liturgy may require, and reads the announcements before liturgy begins. Any confirmed Catholic of high school age or older is invited to serve the parish in this ministry. Training is provided.
Ministers of The Word Handbook
Music Ministry (Choir and Cantors)
Music and song are an essential part of liturgical worship. The purpose of the choir is to lead the congregation in singing. Cantors are those who lead the congregation in singing acclamations and responses during the liturgy. Those who play some musical instrument are strongly encouraged to add their talents to our music ministry.