1922 SW 20TH AVE ~ CAPE CORAL, FL 33991

OFFICE: (239) 283-9501 ~ FAX: (239) 283-9502  



Ways to Give

St. Katharine’s parishioners have always been extraordinarily generous in sharing their time, talents, and resources to do the work of Christ in our Church and in our community. For your convenience we have several options for making your financial contributions.

Envelopes – When you register with the parish you can request to receive envelopes in the US Mail for all Sundays of the year and for Special Collections and Feast Days. Using these envelopes in the weekly collection basket allows us to keep track of your tax-deductible donations. If you do not wish to register with the parish, donating by check will also allow us to keep track of your donations for your tax purposes..

Online Giving
If you wish to make contributions to St. Katharine’s electronically, you may create an account and manage your contributions through our Online Giving site. Online Giving offers you and the church a confidential, safe and secure web based method to make and receive your regular offertory, special collections and even a special remembrance.

The website is secure and PCI compliant, which means that your personal data is secured and no one can access this information, including the parish staff. Online Giving is easy to use and available 24/7.  You can set up a one-time or recurring payment using your credit card or a bank account.  Once you set up your payments, you will receive an email notification prior to the payment being initiated so there are no surprises.  It is simple to make changes or even discontinue funds at any time, so you can manage your offertory based on your budget.  You can also print out your record of contributions anytime needed, especially at tax time. There are Online Giving cards available at the counter in the vestibule, which you can use to put in the offertory basket.

You can start Online Giving at any time.  Just click on this link  Online Giving site and follow the easy instructions.
We would like to encourage you to participate in Online Giving as it also helps the church to reduce the cost and risks associated with handling the cash and delivery to the bank.

Catholic Faith Appeal
The Catholic Faith Appeal (or CFA), is a Diocesan-wide fundraising effort to support the ministries, services and administration of the Diocese of Venice. On an annual basis, parishes in the Diocese  make a required contribution to financially support these efforts. This annual contribution is known locally as the “assessment.” The CFA is a means by which all parishioners can take part in helping their parish to meet its assessment. A parish CFA goal is based on its assessment which is determined by the income of the parish.

Your gifts are essential and make all the good works St Katharine Drexel does possible.  The Online Gift Giving helps SKD do this more efficiently.  

Thank you, and God Bless



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Monday – Friday:
8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Offices Closed for Lunch:
           1:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Ph# (239) 283-9501
Fax# (239) 283-9502
Email: office@drexelcc.org
CCD, OCIA, Confirmation,
VBS & Bible Study)
(Office closed on Fridays)
Ph# (239) 283-0525
Email: rose@drexelcc.org