Adult Bible Study
Join us in our journey through Scripture as we read, study, discuss and reflect on Holy Scripture. We have two different sessions, which meet weekly. Choose either from Tuesday at 7:00pm or Wednesday at 11:00 am in the Faith Formation Building from September to May. All are welcome to join. Contact the Faith Formation Office for more information 283-0525.
We have many opportunities for volunteers to share their faith and love in our Faith Formation Program. Ministries include CLOW (Children’s Liturgy of the Word) during 8:30 and 10:30 Sunday Masses, CCD for grades K-8, Confirmation and Vacation Bible School.
Parish Library
Located in the Faith Formation East wing. Use of the library is for all parishioners.
Volunteer your time to help those who wish to become members of the Catholic church or adult Catholics who wish to receive the Sacraments of Eucharist and/or Confirmation by being a sponsor for one of the participants. This is a special ministry. It means being a friend to someone who wants to share your faith. Each member needs to have a sponsor to attend weekly RCIA meetings with them and to pray with them.