1922 SW 20TH AVE ~ CAPE CORAL, FL 33991

OFFICE: (239) 283-9501 ~ FAX: (239) 283-9502  



Join Us

Whether you are currently a parishioner, are interested in becoming one or are just visiting, our Parish Family would like to welcome you to St. Katharine Drexel Catholic Community!

You don’t need to register in our Parish in order to attend Mass, as all are welcome!

However, we encourage regular attendees to prayerfully consider registering to become a member of our faith community – including our seasonal residents. Simply attending Mass or registering your child for religious education does not automatically register you into our system.

Why should you register with a Catholic Parish?
Choosing your church can be as vital to your family as it is selecting the town in which you live. Registration is the first step toward active participation in a parish.

You will find that St. Katharine Drexel is a warm, loving and welcoming church family with many diverse personalities and talents. There are many parish ministries to become involved with.

Being a registered parishioner also makes the process much simpler when it is time for receiving sacraments, registering your child for religious education or becoming a baptismal godparent or confirmation sponsor.  

Registered parishioners will also have a tax contribution statement available at the end of the year.

Furthermore, your parish family will support and assist you and your family during difficult times.

There are a few of ways to join St. Katharine Drexel Parish:

  • Come into the parish office for a registration form. It can be filled out while you are here or taken with you to be filled out later.
  • You can obtain a registration form at the information counter in the lobby after a weekend Mass. Please feel free to take the registration form home, fill it out and mail it back to us or drop it in the collection basket the next weekend at Mass.
  • You can print the registration form here: Parish Registration You will need the free program Adobe Reader to open it. You can obtain this program here http://get.adobe.com/reader/



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Monday – Friday:
8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Offices Closed for Lunch:
           1:00 pm - 1:30 pm
Ph# (239) 283-9501
Fax# (239) 283-9502
Email: office@drexelcc.org
CCD, OCIA, Confirmation,
VBS & Bible Study)
(Office closed on Fridays)
Ph# (239) 283-0525
Email: rose@drexelcc.org